Chemdawg, officially named "Chemdog," is a hybrid marijuana strain grown and spread by the breeder Chemdog since 1991. In a Leafly interview, Chemdog relates how Chemdog came from what was thought to be Northern California bag seed, via a Colorado Grateful Dead concert. Chem 91, Chem 4, and Chem Sis are all variations on Chemdog. The original name Chemdog came from two names for the same bud "Chem" and "Dog bud." Chemdog evolved into the variation 'Chemdawg' over time and distance as other growers and breeders propagated it, with the latter name becoming more dominant.

  • Earthy
  • Woody
  • Diesel
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ChamDawg 3.5g Premium Indoor Flower

  • Product Code: whammm
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

Tags: ChamDawg, 3.5g, Premium, Indoor, Flower